Happy Birthday David Warren

Yesterday was Dr David Warren’s birthday. He was born on the 20 March 1925, so he would have been 89 if he was alive today. He would be very concerned about the still unresolved Malaysia Airlines MH370 as it enters its third week without answers. On the other hand I think he would be very…Read More

Wi-Fi – Behind the scenes #VideoMaking

I have had some emails asking me how I made my latest Wi-Fi video. Making this video was definitely challenging and fun and much less work and stress than my last David Warren Black Box video. I wanted to make it shorter and more interesting, with great cutaways and tell the Wi-Fi inventors story, in a more…Read More

Video: Wi-Fi – An invention that has changed the world

My video is about the Australian inventors of Wi-Fi and their legal struggle against the IT giants of the world. Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Intel, HP, Toshiba, Netgear, ASUS, Fujitsu, Nintendo and more. I included part of my interviews with the Wi-Fi inventors, Dr John O’Sullivan and Dr Terry Percival. This is my final primary school…Read More

Video: Top 5 Most Evil People to Ever Live

I made this video for a school assignment last term. Unfortunately I was not allowed to show it to my year 6 class mates. I think my teacher gave it an R rating :-). Next time I will keep to a G. School this year has been great. I have learnt about Adolf Hitler and…Read More

Poem: From Despair…

I have entered my second poem contest called ‘Sydney Youth Writing Competition‘. There is only one primary rule. You need to include one of these words: Light, Fly or Creek. Last year I entered a poem called ‘In the Ocean’s arms‘  and although it was only my first writing competition, I won my age group which…Read More

Photography: A reflection on my Favourite Cameras

While producing my first photography album “Droplets of Life” I have learnt more than I expected about cameras and what they can achieve. Your best photos don’t always come from the most expensive cameras. I used five cameras and it became somewhat confusing trying to collect all the photos. I have looked back over the…Read More

Send a tweet to your local Member of Parliament

For my Year 6 homework I was asked to write a letter to my local member of parliament, about an issue that I care about. I started writing a letter to my local member who is Peter Garrett AM MP. I told my mum that I had found out that Mr Garrett is also the…Read More

My First Photography Album “Droplets of Life”

I am thrilled to have completed my first photography album “Droplets of Life”. This has been a lot of hard work, but I am happy with the end result. Photography is the art of capturing a moment with a camera. Mastering the camera settings, so it can tell the story of the photo in the best possible way. It is then back at the computer to triage the thousands of photos, to a final few. Finally it is hours toiling at the computer letting your imagination go wild in Photoshop.Read More