Today on a beautiful day in Canberra, Tuesday the 25th March, 2014, Dr David Warren was recognised by the Canberra Airport! It was so fulfilling seeing the first recognition of David Warren in our nations capital, Canberra. Thank you Stephen Bryon for taking this step and I liked your speech today. Up until now only Qantas has done something so visible to honour this great Australian inventor (6 years ago Qantas named one of their huge A380’s after him in 2008).
All todays speakers mentioned that their thoughts where with the victims of MH 370. It is an interesting co-incidence that today is the same day that Malaysia’s Prime Minister announced that “All lives are lost,” as the plane had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean and 227 passengers, 2 pilots and 10 crew on the Boeing 777 were too far from any landing area. The mystery is left unsolved until the black boxes reveal some of the secrets.

Dr Alex Zelinsky (DSTO), Eve Cogan (myself), Jenny Warren (David Warren’s daughter), Stuart Robert MP and Jenny’s son.

Australian Minister Stuart Robert’s s speech was inspirational (He is a MP, Assistant Minister for Defence). I thought it was funny how his voice was so loud, they had to turn the mic off :-)

Stephen Bryon is the man who made this happen. He said that I was very persistent and he got 4,000 emails from everyone who voted on my petition. Thank you everyone!

Me with my award from Stuart Robert MP. He said “only princess get this” :-) so I am more than thrilled to show my mum this.
I feel like this is a great step towards the ultimate goal. Maybe another Australian Airport will take the big step, I can only hope that Sydney gets a second airport soon and they call it the David Warren Airport.
Eve, Congratulations! I might add that not any old princess would be given your award. Only a person who deserved it due to respect for David Warren, thorough research, follow through on that research, willingness to learn whatever was required to achieve the objective, modesty and good humour.You are the only candidate for that. Well done!
I look forward to your next project.
Stephanie Robertson
Congratulations once again on the successful prosecution of a worthy cause!! You deserve your award.We all hope that an airport is named after Dr.David Warren very soon however this a fine honour for him.Your family must be very proud !
Thank you.
Selwyn Garwell
Congratulations Eve. your Mum and Dad must be so proud of you. Keep working towards your ultimate goal of getting the whole airport (or another major Australian airport) named after David.
Peter Hale
Through your public outreach programme the DSTO has shown public recognition of one its greatest inventions and the scientist who created it. I know its not the outcome you want, Eve, but I sincerely hope you are proud of this accomplishment.
Mitch Polley
Congratulations Eve.
You should be proud of what you have achieved so far. Hopefully they will see the light and recognise the enormity of David’s invention and its contribution to Air safety. I’m sure we will have a David Warren Airport in Australia soon given your enthusiasm for the cause.
Canberra Airport would be the perfect place.
Well Done EVE! I think you have shown great determination throughout this process and I have no doubt that in years to come there will be many more times I will read about “Eve’s” achievements. Thank you and your family for all the hard work and persistence in achieving this recognition of David Warren’s contribution to Air Safety. Good Stuff!
A big step forward in your mission to honour David Warren. Well done, Eve. So pleased the Australian who invented the black box – so critical in aircrash investigations – has received the recognition you feel so strongly he deserves. Congratulations on your well deserved award. What you have done is inspirational stuff and I was pleased to be of some small assistance to you. I have a feeling there is more to come from Eve Cogan.
Well done Eve!
Not many people you age could achieve what you have.
A great way to recognise a great Australian.
Congratulations Eve. You are proof that great things happen when formidable inspiration meets humanity. Rich
Eve, as one of the signatories on your petition, I am pleased that you were able to have this successful day. I am sure that we will hear more form, and of, you in the years to come.
Congratulations and we;; done to Govt for listening (for a change)
Congratulations Eve. Glad I could help but if you need more signatures when the 2nd Sydney airport opens I’ll be there!!!!!!!!
Eve, thank you and congratulations! Your efforts alone is worthy to be recognized and honoured too ;-)
A wonderful achievement Eve!! You are an inspiration to all young Australians – and indeed, to all Australians.
Individuals CAN make a difference with conviction and passion.
Good luck with your schooling and your future career. You make us all very proud.
You are an inspiration . Mr Dave Warren gave inspiration to all. he would be proud to know someone as young as you achieved this.
Well done Eve
Princesses are born to the role, it is a matter of fate. Young women like you make their own legacy through work, tenacity and energy. You should be very proud of your accomplishment. I suspect it is just one of many goals you will achieve in your life. As we say here in America, “You go girl!”
Hi Eve,
I think its amazing how much though and effort you have put into this and just letting you know, I am 13 and David Warren is my grandfather! Thank you so much for thinking of him and putting a lot of determination into this. Congrats and all, you keep his name alive :D
[…] Change is in the air again! It has been 3 years since I started my petition to rename Canberra Airport in honour of David Warren, the inventor of the Black Box and air safety pioneer. It has been 3 years since the spark of inspiration burst into a flame when and I and almost 4,000 people went out on a mission to make David Warren a household name. I consider my petition a triumph, even though it was not the airport itself that was renamed, but it certainly was a fantastic achievement that we had the headquarters of Australia’s Defence Science and Technology (aka DSTO, owned by Canberra Airport) building named after Dr David Warren. […]