My Music Assessment for Year 7 is done. We had a music assignment to make a jingle and an ad for a product of our choice.
This was the first time I was wholly behind the camera and I enjoyed filming and directing. I worked with Tilly Francis, Gemma Mazzola and Stella Wailes and our first job was to choose a product. We choose Warheads because they are fun to eat and because we immediately came up with the tag line ‘War zone in your mouth’. That sounded great and we fell in love with that quickly.
Next was making the music. We wrote the lyrics and then composed the song. We used GarageBand on my ipad to choose the right instruments. Lucky I had the full version (it is about $10) as it made it easier to work with, since there are lots of instruments to choose from. Once we were all happy with the music, we recorded the lyrics with Stella’s strong voice leading the vocals.
For the shoot I prepared by buying the costumes and lots of different Warhead lollies. The girls all arrived on time for the shoot and they brought extra Warheads, just in case we didn’t have enough!
I used the Sony NXCAM and I found it easy to use. The shoot took longer than expected because Stella made us laugh too much! In between takes, Tilly refuelled us on warheads.
For the edit we were going to use iMovie on my iPad, but then we decided to go all out and use Adobe Premiere Pro because it is more powerful and sometimes I feel claustrophobic when I use iMovie. After filming, we all crowded around my PC for quite a few hours.
When I look at the end result I am quite pleased. In hindsight, I don’t think it was clear enough at the beginning the characters changed from civilian dress to army greens.

Figure: The goal was to show when you put a Warhead in your mouth, you change from normal person to a soldier with a war zone in their mouth

Figure: There was a lot of footage. The hard part was cutting out so many funny scenes, but I included them in the credits

Figure: We had done everything from writing the jingle, creating a script, costumes, filming and editing. What a day, what a team!
The epic day ended with a sugar crash.
View more photos of the day at my Flickr album.
– Thank you, Eve